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Ms Access: It is an association established between common
  1. Line
  2. Relationship
  3. Primary key
  4. Records

Q2. Ms Access: In a module, the VB Name used to display a warning query icon is _______.

  1. vbCritical
  2. vbInformation
  3. vbExclamation
  4. vbQuestion
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: Which of the following is the DBMS type

  1. Flat File System
  2. Hierarchical DBMS
  3. Relational DMBS
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:Which is not the one of view options provided by PowerPoint to look at and modify presentation?

  1. Slide Show
  2. Format Slide
  3. Slide Sorter
  4. Normal
Correct Answer

Q5. BCD is

  1. Binary Coded Decimal
  2. Bit Coded Decimal
  3. Binary Coded Digit
  4. Bit Coded Digit
Correct Answer

Q6. What are the benefits of network?

  1. To share hardware components
  2. To share information and share software
  3. It reduces cost
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Uppercase on Change Case dialog box and All Caps on Fonts dialog box both converts selected text into Capital Letters. What’s the difference between the two?

  1. Both are sam
  2. They are only two different ways of capitalize text.
  3. It is faster to convert from Change Case than from Font dialog box
  4. Change Case makes conversion permanent but All Caps on Font can always be reverted
  5. All Caps on Font dialog box makes the change permanent where Change Case can be always reverted
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: In the relationships window, what does the appearance of symbols, such as 1 and the infinity symbol, at the endpoints of a relationship line mean?

  1. Referential integrity is enforced
  2. Referential integrity isn\’t enforced
  3. An inner join is set
  4. An outer join is set
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: Which of the following expresses correct order?

  1. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Files, Databases
  2. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Database, Files
  3. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Field, Character
  4. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters
Correct Answer

Q10. Using windows explorer, a plus (+) sign in front of a folder indicates

  1. An open folder
  2. The folder contains subfolder
  3. A text file
  4. A graphic file
Correct Answer

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